Friday, March 4, 2011

Creative Birthday Chart

"Heaven or Hell? Love wins!"


This week in class at mbs again engaged discussions about "universal reconciliation" and related questions about heaven and hell, for love and justice and how this world view and belief in the conflict are. Exciting. Fits to spill the equally interesting and much more intense discussion from America to the new book by Rob Bell "Love wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived" across. The questions thus appear to be global and the answers are as varied as telling.

Rob Bell is the way in May to Germany, by then there is much to discuss ....

are some good posts already: Peter

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Make A Plant Waterer

... Spring Awakening

... what does that mean? With the increasing light intensity increases
serotonin and dopamine are released (modified by artificial light is not absorbed
light intensity), they ensure a better general condition and cause a mild euphoria
... :-) , (so the information straight from the Internet ...) on and off
relax, and let the body and mind to rest ...
after the long winter period, highly recommended ...
and if anyone in this fine weather
not want into the newly awakened nature, the
can help you not well ... :-)
Wish you a great time on and with the sun - LG Rita
PS. the last week we were spoiled with plenty of sun!

Painting Of A Man And Woman Dancing

"Retrospective study days with NT Wright"

have about one week ago, the 4th Marburger study days social transformation took place. Over 400 participants were there we sat down on Friday with eschatology and the kingdom of God from the perspective of Judaism of the 1st Century apart, and on Saturday we went about what this means for the community. Prof. Dr. NT Wright was competent and committed in the main lectures (translated by Peter Aschoff) on Saturday and was supported by many seminar speakers. The main papers, there are the creative work Bergneustadt , an initiative to support Jobseekers. Study of the musical accompaniment of the city sounded abundance, what it has perfectly rounded. The boys are both lyrically and musically a class by itself.

More about NT Wright:
is a report of the study days, here.
On Thursday evening preached NT Wright in Christ meeting, gives the sermon on the topic of "reconciliation with the world" it here .
Two of his books in time for the Study published by Francke Verlag. Volume 1 of his theological oeuvre " The New Testament and the People of God "and his award-winning book " faith and then? From Transition of character. "

The 5th Marburger Transformation Study Society held on 18th February 2012 instead, then with Prof. Dr. Miroslav Volf of Yale University (USA).

Friday, February 18, 2011

Gay Cruising Spots Columbia South Carolina

I wish you ...

give and you some spring flowers have ... unfortunately at the moment no time for
the blogger world, because I have a few days ago a dear convalescent home ,
of my attention wishes to claim
the rest of the free time (....?) will still go for a walk on the and that a bit budget J
and of course my stressful work distributed ...
I hope will soon be "my" world make something quiet
and I will have more time ...
Until then I send you best wishes with a bouquet of Frühlingsvorboten - Rita