Tuesday, April 21, 2009

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catching up with Nobel Biocare

For Nobel Biocare it is quiet. Besides the favorable decision in the German patent dispute gabs long time no new messages more. This is reflected in the stock price. Since the crash last October, the stock remains constant in a range 15 to 25 francs. Larger fluctuations are rare. Since the beginning of the overall market rally in March, the stock has also risen less than average. The indicators show a clear picture. But how can evolve the stock now? Will she finally follow suit or the stock continues to behave as calm as in the past?

be on the chart only bad conclusions. As mentioned above, there is Nobel Biocare on a slow but steady way up, along the uptrendline (green). closer to the other side is a downtrend line (red), which in the summer of 2009 overlaps with the downtrend line. Through this triangle can therefore pass the range to continue. At least June 2009 should, however, the course then massively move in one direction. With the current development of the exchange rate should then break down. But until the summer of Nobel Biocare will outperform the overall market significantly.


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