Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Beat Making On The Mpc2000xl Free

Win the mystery? All

Exactly one week ago today I reported in my market comment by Blogger Reinhardt. To date, he had predicted a few crashes to the day. Even then, he reported as of today, 10 February 2009, the beginning of the next wave crash. How right he was, the American indexes all lost around 5 percent. The banks got off again very hard. So lost, Bank of America almost 20 percent. JP Morgan Chase with 10% and Goldman Sachs (8%) were mild in comparison of it yet.

In Switzerland, the focus today at a bank. More accurately at UBS. These new facts were known. The loss for the year 2oo8 was finally with 19.7 billion Swiss francs, slightly less than expected. A very positive point for UBS was the message that instead of the planned 60 billion, only 39.1 billion francs (in the form of bad credit papers) in the SPV to be transmitted.

How are you now on? According to Reinhardt, the Crash, as already mentioned above, on my way. But I also think a bounce possible, in which ausschliesselich dominate in the coming days, only the color green would. A triple-top in the region around 875 should be possible. However, is it possible that the crash shaft actually back on the road.


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