Saturday, January 29, 2011

Free Vdeos Ofbrent Corrigan

the glorious weather

The large H in meteorology is associated with dry and calm weather. ... and it remains in the next days, wonderful weather with lots of sunshine, some fog, crisp cold nights, occasional severe frost, mild and sunny day for it - As we like but the winter!
Here are some impressions of the great blue sky ... :-) Wishing you a beautiful sunny Sunday and a good time, I enjoy the weather very ... LG Rita

Zimbra As Mail Server

" pedagogy of praise "

Welcomes The moderator of the liturgy eloquently the visitors of the local church and leads sent from the weekly award on to the weekly discontinuations. Next comes the time of worship and the worship leader, the concentration of people all trying to win for themselves by pointing to God and the Holy Spirit invites you now to come. The door opens and ... No of course not, that's not meant and of course also know the worship leader, that the Holy Spirit does not come, but that it is his work and his present wants. Two lovers are sitting in the sun and say: "marvel like writing to me the disappearance of the sun on the local curvature of the earth." So, to counteract the Holy Spirit and the worship leader continues: "Please feel you all totally free, you can sit up, stay, raise their hands or whatever your tradition corresponds to come before the Lord and honor him with all my heart. " While I'm still thinking, which is my tradition and where everything in the world is my heart right now, it scrolls just in its notes and says: "For the first song we all stand on. " As I sit here and fight like a pubescent boy, if I should get up or not. One voice says that I should stand up and tell me "engage in the praise of" easy to (sic) and the other voice says she is looking for someone else, they can piss. I get up and not sing. Poor compromise in worship. But I seem to be not only because the community is reflected not in the least the dedication of the worship band again, which seems to notice this too. After the third repetition of the second song, taking breaks to enervated from the worship leader worship and says something like: "Dear brethren, you believe that the Lord delights in our song? The fact that this praise is a fragrance for him? I do not think that is why we sing the first two songs again and we are all up and sing with all my heart and praise and glorify our Lord. "I think that repetition is an educational principle and minus minus and probably not only in the Mathematics plus give and get up to the repetition of repetitions of the first song. My thoughts are far away and I notice how the door of the church hall is open, I think the Holy Spirit has just gone out yet ....

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How To Sew A Chori Dar Pajama

" challenging blessing

Today was our Christus-Treff total worship and it was about our relationship the "world". There were a variety of information, prayers, music and a sermon, all concerned with social themes and global responsibilities of us Christians. The final blessing took the church service together extremely well and will accompany me in the coming week:

May God bless you with discomfort
about cheap answers, half truths and superficial relationships
so that you live in the depths of your heart.

May God bless you with anger
of injustice, oppression and exploitation of people
so that you make thee for justice, freedom and peace

May God bless you with tears,
shed for those who suffer from pain,
rejection, hunger and war,
so that you stretch out your hands to comfort her

and pain to turn to joy. And may God bless

you with enough foolishness
believe that you,
that you make a difference in the world and do the
can say from the others,
it was impossible.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bad Heartburn After Gallbladder Surgery

...:-) I wanted to get in touch with you ...

... and just say hello!
My turbulent phase is still not quite finished but I'm trying to take the time and will gradually make a trip through your blog ...
is with us again become wintry, but the house is on the spring fed me in the vase ... J I wish you a great time and until then ... LG Rita

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tom Delonges Tattoos Designs

"Study of NT Wright"

find in almost four weeks, the fourth Marburger study days with Prof. NT Wright place and I'm pretty excited because I think there are two special days. NT Wright is not only one of the world's most important theologians, he is also known for his humor. There are ten interesting seminars, it is worthwhile to be there ....

registration here

Friday, January 14, 2011

Nokia E71 Apps Front Camera

SOD! - "Song of the Day!"

Hello dear ladies! :-)

Today's Song of the Day "is a kind of initiation or notice for the next Post indicate the topic is probably reveal the song that you are about to hear. Assuming your English is good enough to understand what this man's singing actually. ;)

I leave you like to speculate on the topic, saying simply: "a bit of a more serious matter is!" and now of course wish you a peaceful evening and a loose end of the day. On this your weekend is wonderful! :)

* asterisk *

Scholl Shoe Shop Malaysia

[Beauty]: The whistle already sparrows from the roofs!

Hello my dear readers!

In fact - the sparrows whistle it really been from the rooftops! What it is to whistle? Mary Kay Cosmetics Germany faces wonderful assortment changes - these are the 16th January 2011 happen!

The lipstick colors Rich Fig, Amber Glow (my favorite color!), Bronzed, Amber Suede, Berry Kiss, Hibiscus Nutmeg and will soon be removed from the program and are only a limited supply available!

These colors are replaced with new colors - in this case, it will be:
Pink Passion, Icy Peach, Soft Pink, Red Salsa, SunLift Sand, Sweet Heart, Hot Moccha, Whisper, Merlot.

Furthermore, all previous make-ups only ordered be "as long as supplies" last. Yes, the make-up go completely out of the program!

addition, there are make-ups with the known TimeWise formulation that prevents the formation of fine lines and wrinkles and diminish existing wrinkles. These will be available in a Matte version especially for combination skin and oily skin and a "Glow" version for Normal & Dry skin. Mary Kay in the color selection is not always as stingy, it will be 15 shades to choose from, including 4-Ivory shades, 7 shades of beige and 4 bronze shades! This is the bomb! :-))))

addition, the new fragrance scooters are presented (yet widely popular). I have also seen really great Valentine's Day offers and also a special set of men, there will be, because here too there is a new product, the Facial Toner (toner) for men, suitable for the existing men's set. :-))

I'm excited for my part! From 16 January can be such wonderful news certainly to the Homepage of Mary Kay examine:

Much love and a wonderful evening!
* asterisk *

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kokeshi Doll Singapore

"More Sex with Jesus"

Sometimes I wonder yes and I do not quite know how to respond to some strange style flowers of Christianity. One of them I had some time ago in an "open service of" experienced as a young woman came forward and told was that they "want more sex with Jesus." What they wanted to express that was probably a close, passionate relationship with Jesus. Certainly not a human sexual relationship, and yet, I think that this semantics is problematic. I already find the address or Daddy Daddy irritating and sometimes I feel as if God was personally responsible only for myself, for my relationship needs and desires. Here God is degraded too quickly to individual comfort factor of my desires and this he certainly did not deserve.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Different Types Of Brownie

the thaw ...

On Tues was still with us - 9 ° C and an icy wind on Wed ... the rain came, and had for black ice caused chaos on the streets, probably for you too ... since yesterday we have the thaw of snow and the finest ... ice begin to thaw ... the cold and breathtakingly beautiful snow period gives way to the bad weather - the white turns gray and the ground so soft ... but the thaw brings with it problems - the flood danger ... I hope you live in such regions of this problems are not affected?

the moment is really the most beautiful home, by candlelight or a glass of wine, good music and an interesting Book ... I leave for a short time, since Mon from some important meetings on the plan and want to wish you a good time, make the best until then - Rita

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How To Build A Closet Carousel

"Children and Art"

At the request of Christine, we were at her birthday in Kunstverein Marburg . There just find the remarkable exhibition "Experimental 16" instead, an international exhibition of various artists. It has a lot of fun to marvel at the paintings and sculptures and the kids something to introduce art, which she once inspired.

remarkable still is the Artothek of the Kunstverein. There you can rent original paintings and sculptures for a small fee (usually 2.50 for three months). A great opportunity!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Kongfrontation Rumors 2010

one years in Review

.... is that time even a little thinking to do an inventory ... What I have everything wrong? ... Admit to what I could have maybe done better? forgiveness, adding, accounting and be generous and do without a bad feeling about the new year ... J
I wish one years with love, happiness and confidence that it can be better ... J LG Rita
PS. in the pictures is my private Year in Review ...