Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Make A Plant Waterer

... Spring Awakening

... what does that mean? With the increasing light intensity increases
serotonin and dopamine are released (modified by artificial light is not absorbed
light intensity), they ensure a better general condition and cause a mild euphoria
... :-) , (so the information straight from the Internet ...) on and off
relax, and let the body and mind to rest ...
after the long winter period, highly recommended ...
and if anyone in this fine weather
not want into the newly awakened nature, the
can help you not well ... :-)
Wish you a great time on and with the sun - LG Rita
PS. the last week we were spoiled with plenty of sun!

Painting Of A Man And Woman Dancing

"Retrospective study days with NT Wright"

have about one week ago, the 4th Marburger study days social transformation took place. Over 400 participants were there we sat down on Friday with eschatology and the kingdom of God from the perspective of Judaism of the 1st Century apart, and on Saturday we went about what this means for the community. Prof. Dr. NT Wright was competent and committed in the main lectures (translated by Peter Aschoff) on Saturday and was supported by many seminar speakers. The main papers, there are the creative work Bergneustadt , an initiative to support Jobseekers. Study of the musical accompaniment of the city sounded abundance, what it has perfectly rounded. The boys are both lyrically and musically a class by itself.

More about NT Wright:
is a report of the study days, here.
On Thursday evening preached NT Wright in Christ meeting, gives the sermon on the topic of "reconciliation with the world" it here .
Two of his books in time for the Study published by Francke Verlag. Volume 1 of his theological oeuvre " The New Testament and the People of God "and his award-winning book " faith and then? From Transition of character. "

The 5th Marburger Transformation Study Society held on 18th February 2012 instead, then with Prof. Dr. Miroslav Volf of Yale University (USA).

Friday, February 18, 2011

Gay Cruising Spots Columbia South Carolina

I wish you ...

give and you some spring flowers have ... unfortunately at the moment no time for
the blogger world, because I have a few days ago a dear convalescent home ,
of my attention wishes to claim
the rest of the free time (....?) will still go for a walk on the and that a bit budget J
and of course my stressful work distributed ...
I hope will soon be "my" world make something quiet
and I will have more time ...
Until then I send you best wishes with a bouquet of Frühlingsvorboten - Rita

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Which Way Should A Roller Blind Face?

Leave ...

I've cried too many tears ...
I have endured too much pain ...
was chased by dreams and thoughts ...
Have nights spent with crying ...
was chained ...

Can I trust more?
Can I still feel?


I used to be very, very, very many poems written
... Recently, me again after that ...

I also note that I am strong again withdrawing ...
I've always been alone a lot, but right now I'm completely back in my shell.
It gives me to think seriously.
Is that all that good? I do not know.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sew In Weave Side Bang

"belief & truth. Critical realism to NT Wright. Part 2"

As epistemological counter-movement to the more positivist view leads Wright to the phenomenological view, which he himself interprets this: "things from the (seemingly) external world is facing are my own sensations. This view translates to a putative epistemological humility talk of external objects ("This is a cup") into statements about sense impressions ("I am hard, round, smooth and warm feelings in my Hands of true ")." (Page 61) This shows that the perception from a phenomenological perspective linear from the observer to the object passes, the apparent evidence, however, confirm my own perceptions, and the observer, only his is self-confident. Wright points to different forms of both positions, and then proposes an alternative model as a form prior to the critical realism. Critical realism to NT Wright (he goes by Ben Meyers book "Critical Realism and the New Testament" from) describes the "cognitive process, acknowledging the reality of the object to be recognized as distinct from the knower (hence" realism "), recognized during the same time completely, that the only access we have to this reality, along the spiral path of an appropriate dialogue or conversation between the knower and the object is to be recognized (hence "critical"). (62) This understanding Wright outlined the following graphic:

observers ------------------------------------ --------------------------> object

first observation is challenged by critical reflection,
---------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------->
but the challenge there
and speak truth from reality.

This means that we as humans have no direct "God's standpoint," but all interpreted by a grid of expectations, memories, stories, psychological states, etc., as it were, through a "lens of our worldview.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lower Engine Operating Temperature Performance

today I invite you to take a trip through my area ...

The Blackrock Castle is a ruined castle on a high hill in the 427 Main-Kinzig-Kreis in Hesse. Its name is borne by the black dolerite from which it is built. As a relic of the Middle Ages are still the ruins of the castle Blackrock admire and to visit in the tower one can enjoy views of the entire Sinntal.
Züntersbach lies on the border of Spessart and Rhön in Main-Kinzig-Kreis.

The photos I took in the last few days, unfortunately, since today it's raining very heavily and has become cool :-) ... well, we still have winter
... I wish you a nice and warm weekends and until then send you Best regards - Rita

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Best Tratmnets For Psorasis In Srilanka

belief and truth. Critical realism to NT Wright. Part 1

In preparation to the study days with NT Wright I'll post the next day a few basic things on the functioning and the understanding of NT Wright .

much controversy among Christians could be avoided, indeed might even be unnecessary if we were aware that each Man's biography and his pre-understanding of the Bible to bring. This preconception is part of our worldview, which shapes us since our childhood in very different ways. It guides our thinking and our faith as an invisible hand and it is helpful and enlightening this hand visible. NT Wright therefore begins his theological reflection in first volume of his theological work with a presentation of his epistemological position. He describes how he comes to know how he approaches the Bible and how he understands and interprets them. This is very transparent and of course, NT Wright makes it also vulnerable. NT Wright describes his theory of cognition as "critical realism" and he wants to distance themselves from two other large items that need to be outlined briefly with Wright is misunderstood. He distinguishes between positivism and phenomenology as an epistemological differences. Wright begins with the optimism of the positivist position, which assumes that can be detected at least some things as basic true and correct, so objectively. This will be done mainly by empirical methods. This means consistently thought about non-measurable things really can not speak. Subjectivity and relativity are therefore the opponent of positivism. This position will dropped by philosophers mostly, but stays in various forms, especially in the natural sciences (eg psychology), or those who speak as non-scientists about science. Even in some evangelical circles, a hidden positivism holds in the "unprejudiced exegesis.

Part 2: Phenomenology

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Security Light Motion Sensor Diagram

today I show you my world of orchids ...

were used in tropical orchids Europe something special. They were collected directly into the rain forest, had to survive long voyages were therefore extremely expensive and difficult to keep it. Both have changed dramatically in recent decades. Thanks to modern farming methods to the flower friend is now a variety of exotic plants available, easily thrive on the windowsill. A few extra features in the care to be observed but - for almost every window of an apartment there for the best orchid, crucial are the light and temperature conditions of the window (most suitable, the west or east window). (Excerpt from

Just a few years ago I was concerned, these beautiful plants with me to have at home ... by me wrong care, many copies received very quickly ... only afterwards I found in the literature and Internet forums the right care tips and behold, orchids have become my favorites ... At the moment they bloom around the bet and I am surprised, grateful for what plants but are they actually airs ... LG and you have a good time - Rita

Friday, February 4, 2011

Waxing When You Have Thrush

"Bonhoeffer for all

"The church is only Church if it is for others .... you must participate in the secular activities of human society.." Today marks

the birthday of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, which is a good opportunity to remember him. Bonhoeffer currently enjoys great popularity and he is rediscovering the world (interestingly, even in America). It is precisely the emergent movement discovered the explosive power of his theology again from scratch. Although one must honestly say that Bonhoeffer somehow to each one. And no matter how conservative or liberal is someone with Bonhoeffer seem to take all, so there is even a collection of this great theologian, what is a paradox in itself. No matter, his life and work, it is always worth to have inspired. Be it his challenges to "common life" , his interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount or perhaps his latest thoughts on "Church for others". Bonhoeffer is always read existentially, and this makes it equally important as challenging.