belief and truth. Critical realism to NT Wright. Part 1
In preparation to the study days with NT Wright I'll post the next day a few basic things on the functioning and the understanding of NT Wright .
much controversy among Christians could be avoided, indeed might even be unnecessary if we were aware that each Man's biography and his pre-understanding of the Bible to bring. This preconception is part of our worldview, which shapes us since our childhood in very different ways. It guides our thinking and our faith as an invisible hand and it is helpful and enlightening this hand visible. NT Wright therefore begins his theological reflection in first volume of his theological work with a presentation of his epistemological position. He describes how he comes to know how he approaches the Bible and how he understands and interprets them. This is very transparent and of course, NT Wright makes it also vulnerable. NT Wright describes his theory of cognition as "critical realism" and he wants to distance themselves from two other large items that need to be outlined briefly with Wright is misunderstood. He distinguishes between positivism and phenomenology as an epistemological differences. Wright begins with the optimism of the positivist position, which assumes that can be detected at least some things as basic true and correct, so objectively. This will be done mainly by empirical methods. This means consistently thought about non-measurable things really can not speak. Subjectivity and relativity are therefore the opponent of positivism. This position will dropped by philosophers mostly, but stays in various forms, especially in the natural sciences (eg psychology), or those who speak as non-scientists about science. Even in some evangelical circles, a hidden positivism holds in the "unprejudiced exegesis.
Part 2: Phenomenology
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