Friday, December 31, 2010

How To Stop A Dog From Destroying Its Bed

a happy new year 2011!

Hello my friends!

In about an hour so far! I wish you a happy new year 2011, good health, success and satisfaction! Also a fun party, lots of laughter and a homicidal fun! Skin clean neat! New Year's Eve is only once a year! ,-P

course I also wish you the very best and hope my readers will continue to have fun at my blog. On the cute end something that I found at FB ... I just find it megasüß and want it so you pass

* asterisk * & ♥ ♥ TILDA

Mera Naam Joker Hot Picnic

"please more rage in 2010 - a review"

plays in the various annual reviews, the word of the year "Wutbürger" a central role, and general amazement among them that people back (Sic) to what are. I think that it is not enough anger and I wish for the new year, more angry citizens. But we remain first in the year 2010:
Well, it probably was not always anger, sometimes it was greed or frustration, but the resignation of politicians density in 2010 was as high as ever. It was certainly striking that the people hardly had anger. When it was retired a few years ago Lafontaine from all political offices, his home for days under siege, he called "traitors" and branded still not rehabilitated. Now connect the politicians back rows of the people and acknowledged it with a shrug, always with the motto: The next one is make it even better. So geh However, these same lethargy brings democracy in distress and complacent politicians such as Roland Koch, the arsonists are in favor. Who says proudly that his resignation was planned well in advance, before the last election Hesse, who deceives the voters and must not be surprised if the confidence declines in politics. Since it does not help when the educated middle channel in Swabia their perceived powerlessness in the political arena in the new station and applied to the streets. Sure, a good step, but must take the anger that deserve it and defend really need it. Only on the road go when it comes to my own considerations, is sufficient for a community of solidarity is not enough. Especially not when it comes to punch it forcibly to the weakest members of society and because we are "creating Germany from the" already in Wutbuch of the year and there may indeed be only one with the programmatic title of Didi Hallervorden politics: Thilo Sarrazin. He wrote the book of the year 2010 and exhausting, I had to torture me through all of his wild theories and statistics. His book about some "problem district of Berlin" contains just a few of these truths before which should not be firing the eyes. But the basic themes of the book are to be tolerated nor excused. The game of fear in history has worked many times before and it makes Sarrazin who shamelessly use to always follow the motto: "Palim Palim, the Muslim, the bad." Given a good shot of Darwinism, some nice statistics, which in their own theories and even the trunk of the obsessed angst xenophobia is done, justifying that "eat" the strong the weak. Of course, Mr. Sarrazin was not all that meant and of course he wanted a constructive point to a general social problem and of course it has understood the widespread support for the population as well. Only just I do not and I have a rage on the Wutbuch of the year and two things have since be said. In recent years there have been many discussions about the increasing number of "hardening" milieu in Germany. In the "Sarrazin discussion" there was suddenly milieu across coalitions that had previously been apparently unthinkable. As the educated class has allied with the regulars of the Muslim world against the non-integrated mass. Well, that's also what. What has surprised me the most, however, was deferred approval of many Christians to Sarrazin's theses. Of course not as loud, but it was surprising that of all Christian creationists sympathize with Sarrazin Darwinian theories. But let's leave that and turn to anger to. We need more anger, more anger against the insidious injustice to which we have already got used too long. To the injustice that we see in everyday life any more because they are a part of us has become even. When shopping in the neighborhood and in politics. Here I would like to see more anger, not an uncontrolled one's own looks, but is committed in solidarity for those in need assistance in 2011, the community and help. That to me is a big challenge, in which I will probably fail again next year and that makes me angry again now ...

Watchword for 2011:
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. "(Romans 12:21)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What Is The Best Motocross Gear

* sigh * ...

Hello my friends!

Christmas is over, Tilda and I have received great gifts and now we have the day again. Funny, I've been quite a long time looking for a new bikini ... Why I still do not have?

Well, all the big companies had simply nothing that would have been dropped .. Meanwhile, there is winter, meaning that most have been no more Swimwear and if they do, "lies precisely in the camp" and can not be retrieved because "we're only a couple today!" - Or something. Meanwhile, I gave up. Just today I stumbled over a Monokini (see picture) and I was so excited - who would have been it. Well, he was until I read the following: "Suitable for A + B Cup."
you! Since then arises directly the question again: "And why does the net for Cup C + D As hard as it can not be!" * Sigh *

looking for even longer and even more desperate now I can say this:
The only shop I found by swimwear that has me actually promised is Lascana .
Actually, I've ignored the swimwear there, always right, because the lingerie me much more interested ('re really nice there!). Meanwhile, I have decided to treat myself to a bikini every year there. Point. Since there are beautiful things, for my chest. ;)

I wish you a wonderful New Year and a Happy New Year!
* asterisk *

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Do Pro Football Players Wear Jockstraps

private nature ... Happy New Year 2011 ... Happy New Year ...

A final look back .. and then the best wishes for the New Year,
it is a happy and healthy year filled with many wishes! should

The new year bring you and your loved ones just too good!
with Love - Rita

I wish happiness, good cheer and sweet surprises in the New Year. I
wish you a Happy 2011th

Monday, December 27, 2010

What To Do When Newborn Has Flem

"Like Don Quijote was fighting against the mills Christmas."

Don Quixote is a noble knight, his best days behind him and his biggest dreams in front of him. Again and again he is struggling with his loyal squire Sancho Panza for the goodness and beauty of his dreams and loses as regularly as he hopes. So this time, as Don Quixote calls his rusty armor oils and his servant, the horse to get Rocinante from the stable. Here we go again, lets it Don Quixote know. The good fight begins, this time against the Christmas consumption, because the Christ child comes soon, and now in September, the biscuits are on offer. Don Quixote had collected all the brochures of the city, and Christmas and now he would read the special offers and kitsch angels announce the fight. So it's not, mumbles Don Quixote and whets the lance, a company must act. September is long gone and snow covered the landscape. Don Quixote, his horse and his squire are en route to Christmas to tell the consumer the fight. You know, says Don Quixote, we need to do, because Christmas is the orgasm of capitalism. The Squire looks'm surprised, half ashamed from under his helmet, and before he can say, teaches Don Quixote continues: capitalism is unbridled growth in a limited body and you know how to do that called? And what do you do with it? And without waiting for an answer goes on Don Quixote: Cancer! And cut out is the only right thing. The only medicine. The only thing that helps. And Don Quixote lifts his rusty spear menacingly towards the horizon and the squire Sancho Panza turn away frightened. He knows what's coming and he knows how this fight is. Don Quixote and his generosity, his eternal struggle, and he is at it again, and Don Quixote yelps with excitement and neighing of ancient Gaul and admired the squire but in the deepest heart of his master, and picks up the battered helmet Don Quixote, which he fell down out of sheer enthusiasm is. On the icy ground reflects the Christmas decoration of the supermarket and "Sweet sound the bells never lies "distorted in the air ....

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Corrosive Salted Roads

Contemplative ...

Hello my dear readers!

for so many and tomorrow is a normal Monday. One or the other will have to work again ...
Since we now still have the second day of Christmas ... I now would like a song to end this contemplative Christmas weekend to give a hand ... * Sigh *

I wish all who work tomorrow, a good and not too stressful beginning of the week!
it let yourself go!

* asterisk *

Friday, December 24, 2010

Unhandled Exception C0000005 Vice

"Merry Christmas 2010"

all a peaceful and blessed Christmas with Isaiah 9:
1 The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light for all who dwell in the land of darkness, light up a light. 2 Lord, they multiply and give them great pleasure. They rejoice before thee as with the harvest and how to distribute the spoils of war. 3 As then, when you have freed the people from the Midianites, you break the yoke of foreign rule, which is upon them, and the stick with which they are driven to forced labor. 4 The soldiers' boots, marching to the roaring still in Have ear, and the blood-stained soldiers coats are thrown into the fire and burned. 5 For a child is born, the future king has given us! And these are the honorary title, which are given him, prudent ruler, powerful, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 6 His power will come far-reaching and lasting peace. He will reign on the throne of David and his kingdom will endure forever, because he abides by the laws of God. The Lord, the ruler of the world, it has been decided and it will do.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

What Goes Good With Long Skirts

We wish you for Christmas ...

We wish for Christmas,
that the sky is snowing
at home all the time and that there
only peace and holy Ruh,
that people are glad and happy
and free of tears every child.

We wish for Christmas,
that joy sounds so much suffering,
that happiness you always weighed remains
and drives you from the heart of the concerns,
that love always prevails against
tolerance and hatred.

We wish for Christmas,
peace and hope far and wide
And the beautiful in the world
is not only the value of money,
that enough time left to live,
since then, yes, it is Christmastime.

asterisk * & * ♥ ♥ TILDA

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What's In Hot Cheetos

White Christmas ... White Christmas ...

I hope you're ready to
In front of your door after only
The love Christmas.

fir trees, ball, lights,
Bratapfelduft and happy faces.
joy of giving - the heart is far -
`I wish you a merry Christmas!

(author unknown)

Merry Merry Christmas and I wish you all
and thank you for your visits with me ... Regards - Rita

Monday, December 20, 2010

Pokemon Friggo Returns Online

SOD! - "Song of the Day!"

Which Camera Bella New Moon

"Father-Daughter Dialogue 42

The long road to stay vegetarian. After two years of the Lilly before ever made a start, is now the fixed and irrevocable decision: "I am a vegetarian" This offers daily dialogues such as this:

Lilly: I no meat, never eat again!
Aimee: That you'll make it again.
Lilly. But, I created this
Aimée: odds!
Lilly Bets (vigorously) that! At least one week.
Aimee: Oh, a week, I was also create ...
Lilly. Ok, until Christmas.
Aimée: Dad, get even Lilly's favorite sausage ...
Lilly: That's mean!
Father: So, now is good. Just eat what is there ...
eat everything and Lilly is very proud of the "attack" repulsed have.
Lilly: Mama, do you know that it is not easy to be vegetarian.
Mama: I think it's really great and amazing how you can last that.
Lilly: Mama, the trick is, you you just have to imagine that the dead animal, it's quite simple ...

On the subject of a nice article from the Süddeutsche .

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cards For Birthday-male-21

We want ...

... our readers a wonderful, charming, cozy, quiet ...

4th Advent

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Cirrhosis Coconut Oil

the 4th Advent and the snow fun ...

4 weeks 4 weeks long is the Advent,
burns 4 weeks in which a candle,
4 weeks of rest and relaxation
4 weeks in which to do good
four weeks where one gets ready
nice for Christmas.

Achim Schmidtmann
( )

Some people moan about the weather with us ... about 40 inches of snow, which overwhelmed some ... But me and my dogs, the snow today are brings some quality time ... I wish you a great 4.Advent - LG Rita

PS. by special request from Trudy, now the pictures will appear in large-format whether it ...:-) however, remain as is, is still not fixed and is still the question ...:-)) the opportunity I've also slightly changed the design ...

Nued Semi Garewal In Mera Naam Joker Imaze

coffee for the lady ... ?

All they want to drink coffee with me ... B., Y., M., G., T. - am I good or am I right? * * Schmunzel
My favorite has promised but not yet ... let's see. :) I'm curious ...

it, then I will take my place still good to scratch, so I can rest tomorrow and have a nice day ... :-)

* asterisk *

Farmville Facebook News Feed

snow flakes, white skirt ... !

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pokemon Soulsilver Hack Arceus

Delicious Chili

Hai my liab!

Etz severally Amole soweid finally! FINALLY i ka custody of Subber zoiga chili! Thurs Haune scho long druff gwatet! The manner sooooooooooo guat GWEA! Des roicht ibrigens fiar Persona 4. Ond it severally Familia a recipe. Des hoißt, all hand Ebbes dazua beitraga.


"Hello my friends! Now it's finally done! FINALLY I can show you the great chili! Since I've been waiting on it! It's been soooooooo good! That's enough for 4 people by the way. And it is a family recipe. That is, all have contributed to it. "

INGREDIENTS: 500g minced

1 can of kidney beans brown
1 kl.
can of corn 1 / 4 Tube sharp
tomato paste tomato sauce 1 p. ("Strained tomatoes)
1 can of chopped tomatoes
1 dash vinegar
salt, sugar, pepper (to taste!)
shot Maggie seasoning, a little soup broth and spices (to taste!)
oregano, rosemary, thyme, curry, chili, chili con carne, spice .... (Optional!)
1 large onion 1-2 large carrots

1 yellow bell pepper

PREPARATION: Sauté onions and carrots
, then add minced meat and tomato paste, fry well. With the strained tomatoes, then add chopped tomatoes and vinegar. Pepper give it. Season to taste and boil gently. If necessary, add some liquid. Short before serving, add the corn and kidney beans. Serve hot.

A Guats Nächtle!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What Do You Put On A Victorian Christmas Tree


Hello my friends!

Leave Now, only about dating is boring ... Therefore, I have made you a nice "raid-Post" for the months of November and December 2010 together. I really can not say on which days I've bought something, the fact is that I bought all this at some point in the last few months ... Very different things ... you have fun browsing ... And oh yes, most things I have once again risen in the used-goods center, but what bothers me more ... I wear the things, all things are as good as new ... So therefore?

girls, a question for you:
WO buys you your basics such as Long sleeve shirts, turtleneck sweaters, etc.? Primark? H & M? What is cheap and of good quality? Tips? I am specifically looking for is not too thick and form-fitting turtlenecks, are not too short! Who knows where there is such a thing? :-)

One of my pieces is found that green, casual bag. I love you! Green is my favorite color anyway! And since I have many clothes in green, it fits well for one or the other outfit! I look forward to my first posting here outfit with this bag. ;-)

Buffalo This adorable mini bag I love dearly! It is ideal when I meet with a friend in the cafe or to complete a quick response and did not really need much. For it is really small! ;)

Yes, a normal, black handbag I have long been used once again. I'm just too few. I have missed the possible variations, so this bag ...

... and this one was bought for the same reason as the one shown above ... Variations! You can just never have enough of it!

this beautiful blazer in eggplant, I could not resist! I have found it in the used goods center, originally from H & M. A beautiful, figure-hugging part, which is slightly longer and not too short ... !

An ingenious combination piece! Very fitting trousers to boots, beautiful boots and a cute top under a blazer ... one of my favorite work outfit!

know a very nice, easy summer and spring blazer with light pinstripes ...

I could not resist ... determined from great to look green, red or other bright colors! Do I have to try out times, how to wear something like the best. ;)

miracle Nice earrings ...
can always use! Especially for first dates ... * * Schmunzel

miracle Nice earrings ...
can always use! Especially for first dates ... * * Schmunzel

miracle Nice earrings ...
can always use! Especially for first dates ... * * Schmunzel

Such a beautiful sweater ... I could burst with happiness every time when I wear them again!

bought because I had a "first" date ... Unfortunately, it took place not
... But I love this jacket too tight pants ... Beautifully Fitted ... * Sigh * And even if women have curves ... then they should also emphasize ... ;-)

Sun .. And I've also tinkered something nice for yourself ... a vanity mirror ... ! I always wanted an exceptional and large mirror ... That with the light I still have not settled, but the mirror ... I've found recently ...

How did I do this? It's simple ... We have received a large shipment at work, with beautiful picture frame ... Yes, ... Unfortunately, one of which was defective. Because it wanted to dispose of my bosses, I dove behind the frame, because I liked him very well. I asked if I could have him and it was agreed. I removed the glass and took the frame and the rear wall with ... Then I drove to the nearest DIY store and got me in the right size (40x50cm in my case) a simple, no-nonsense simple mirror. I put this back home just in the picture frame. Put behind the back and fastened the back as usual in the frame. If all this is too shaky, which can stick to the glass very carefully in the context ... I did not dare. :) It came out the following:

Now I wish you but .........


* asterisk *