"Father-Daughter Dialogue 42
The long road to stay vegetarian. After two years of the Lilly before ever made a start, is now the fixed and irrevocable decision: "I am a vegetarian" This offers daily dialogues such as this:
Lilly: I no meat, never eat again!
Aimee: That you'll make it again.
Lilly. But, I created this
Aimée: odds!
Lilly Bets (vigorously) that! At least one week.
Aimee: Oh, a week, I was also create ...
Lilly. Ok, until Christmas.
Aimée: Dad, get even Lilly's favorite sausage ...
Lilly: That's mean!
Father: So, now is good. Just eat what is there ...
eat everything and Lilly is very proud of the "attack" repulsed have.
Lilly: Mama, do you know that it is not easy to be vegetarian.
Mama: I think it's really great and amazing how you can last that.
Lilly: Mama, the trick is, you you just have to imagine that the dead animal, it's quite simple ...
On the subject of a nice article from the Süddeutsche .
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